Tribe of Roaring Tides Territory

The Tribe of Roaring Tides inhabits a rugged coastal territory where gritty sands meet rocky shores and towering cliffs. The coastline is dotted with sea stacks, coastal caves nestled into the cliffside, and hidden bays, ideal for fishing. The tribe's territory is bordered by a dense coniferous forest, rich with undergrowth, while the northern cliffs offer an overlook to watch over the shore.

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  • Roaring Tides Camp

    Just off the coastline lies a great basalt stack that watches over the entirety of the territory. At its base lies a cave entrance, hidden by boulders and rocks. It is here that the Tribe of Roaring Tribes makes its camp, strategically protected by the dangerous waters of the sea. The entrance leads into a tight tunnel winding upward, eventually opening up into a wide chamber. Sunlight shines down into the main chamber from a fissure in the ceiling, which is accessible by climbing up ledges and cracks in the cave walls. The floor is covered by a layer of sand and pebbles, ideal for nesting. Sheer ledges lead to smaller, tighter chambers serving as dens for the Tribe's sharpclaws, softpaws and kit-mothers.

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  • Upper Coast

    The main, largest portion of the territory, made up of gritty, sandy coastline that leads up onto a rocky shore. Scattered driftwood litter the northern coast where the beach thins and gives way and the sea meets towering cliffs.

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  • Overlook

    From atop the steepest, northernmost cliff, a large, flat boulder overlooks the long stretch of coastline that the Tribe of Roaring Tides calls home. From here a cat would be able to observe any creature that sets foot upon the sands.

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  • Cliffs

    Sheer cliff faces rise along the northern part of the beach, steep and impassable except by traveling inland and north, through the forest. Hidden sea caves can be found among the foot of these cliffs, and dense forest grows above.

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  • Caves

    Coastal caves can be found hiding within the sheer cliff faces along the beach, providing protection and shelter for the Tribe cats. However, some caves may be dangerous when the tide rises, and some may only be reached at certain times...

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  • Coniferous Forest

    The coast is bordered by dense coniferous forest made up of fir, hemlock, cedar and pine trees. The forest floor is made up of thick, lush undergrowth including wildflowers, ferns, sedges, moss and lichen. Babbling brooks and trickling creeks meander through the forest, eventually feeding into the sea. Deep within the forest are hidden sand pits, where one misstep could cost a cat their life.

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  • Lower Coast

    Steep, vertical columns of basalt rocks called sea stacks dot the coastline here, developed over time by wind and water, making a location of spiritual significance to the cats of the Tribe of Roaring Tides.

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  • Hidden Bay

    The towering basalt sea stacks along the southern part of the coast do well to hide a scenic little bay nestled within the cliffs and boulders. The sand here is fine and soft and free of debris, and the calm, soothing waters make an ideal fishing spot for the Tribe cats.

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  • Lighthouse

    A strange, thin and tall Twoleg structure visible throughout most of the Sun-Drown territories makes its home nestled amongst the craggy cliffs just north of the Tribe of Roaring Tides territory. A strange light flashes across the territories during dark nights, dense fog or stormy weather.

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