Hi everyone!
To ensure the consistency and security of our forum, we restrict the usage of raw HTML on posts. While HTML is a powerful tool, it also comes with significant risks to our forum. Malicious scripts could compromise user data and even hijack accounts.
As a solution, I created fancypost and fancytext. They provide the same customization power as HTML, but in a much safer and controlled ways.
Fancypost allows you to create styled sections, like a div. You can use it to create custom backgrounds, borders, and more - without security issues!
This is a custom post section with a light background and border!
Code: Select all
[fancypost style="background-color:#f0f0f0; padding:10px; border:1px solid #ddd;"]This is a custom post section with a light background and border using a fancypost[/fancypost]
FancyText is a safe alternative to the font tag. You can change text color, size, and more while keeping the forum safe.
This is red, large text using fancytext!
Code: Select all
[fancytext style="color:red; font-size:18px;"]This is red, large text using fancytext![/fancytext]
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Let’s keep the forum both stylish and safe!