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Expanded Rules & Etiquette

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:51 am
by Whispering Wing

Wingbeats - Expanded Rules and Etiquette

Detailed version expands fully upon each of the rules.
View the Basic Rules & Etiquette here, which simplifies the rules below.

 ! Message from: Whispering Wing

By creating an account on Wingbeats, you agree to abide by our rules and etiquette. These rules are designed to ensure a respectful and inclusive community where all members can enjoy their roleplaying experience. We expect each member to adhere to these guidelines. Please familiarize yourself with these rules, and if you have any questions or concerns, a member of the moderation team will be happy to assist you. Your cooperation helps create an enjoyable and welcome space for all participants.

Rules QuickNav

1 - Age Restriction: 16+
Wingbeats may contain mature themes and content that are not suitable for all ages. To ensure a positive and safe environment for our members, all members must be 16 years of age or older to join and engage in Wingbeats. If a member is caught underage, or lying about their age to circumvent this rule, they will be banned from the site.

2 - User Accounts

2.1 Account Creation and Security
Do not share your account with anybody!
Ensure that your password and device are secure so others can not access your account and post under your name. Refrain from sharing sensitive personal information in your profile or public posts.
Maintain an up-to-date email address associated with your account. This ensures that you can receive important notifications, such as password reset requests or forum updates.
If you encounter difficulties with your account or have security concerns, reach out to our moderators for assistance. They are here to help resolve issues and maintain a secure community.

2.2 One Account Rule
Each member is permitted one forum account. This is to ensure players do not try to circumvent roleplay rules, have more than the permitted amount of character slots at one time, or try to avoid warnings and ban hop. This rule also applies to temporary or "burner" accounts. If you are found to have more than one account, you will be asked to choose one and delete the other, or all associated accounts will be banned.

2.3 Account Responsibility
You are responsible for your account and all content that is posted by you. These rules apply to plural systems as well. Systems are collectively responsible for their members' behavior. We have no way to effectively moderate individual system members. As such, the system will be held to account for problematic behavior. Moderate your own system.


3 - General Conduct

3.1 No Discrimination or Prejudice
You must respect all users, regardless of their background or beliefs or your liking towards them. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability. This includes things like gender identity, sexual orientation and political or religious beliefs.

3.2 No Harassment of Members or Staff.
Harassment is defined as "to torment or irritate persistently," including: pestering, flaming, egging-on, shaming, slurs or hurtful slang, inappropriate name-calling, sexual harassment or innuendos, stalking, targeting members, naming-and-shaming, public call-outs, unsolicited advice or negative criticism, doxxing, prejudice, belittling, demeaning or condescending behavior, unwanted PMs, begging or pan handling.
Treat staff with courtesy and address any issues through appropriate channels. Staff involved with Wingbeats are volunteering their time and energy into creating an enjoyable place for you, but as we all do, they have lives outside of their computers and that is their priority. Do not harass staff to review your roleplay content faster. If you have an issue with a specific staff member, use the Reporting Guidelines further below to learn how to address it.

3.3 Threats in any form are not tolerated.
Threatening behavior is not acceptable; disagreements should be resolved through respectful communication.Threats to other users of death, suicide or self-harm, rape, abuse, DDoS, DoX, virus and hacking, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited. This includes direct, indirect, and suggestive threats. These are a serious bannable offense.

3.4 Disturbing the peace is not tolerated.
In most cases, disturbing the peace refers to behaving in ways that are upsetting or unsettling to people within the community, causing emotional grief, or trauma, including: creating unnecessary drama, faking your own or someone else's trauma, triggering subjects (such as rape, self-harm, suicide, death, hate group propaganda, extremist or elitist speech), impersonation, public blacklists or DNI lists of any kind.

3.5 No public blacklists or DNIs.
Avoid sharing or promoting public blacklists or "Do Not Interact" lists.
A DNI list is a list of individuals or entities with whom a person or organization chooses not to engage or interact.


4 - Inappropriate Language

4.1 Excessive cursing is frowned upon.
We do not regulate cursing or profane language, but it should not be used excessively. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited. This includes any type of insinuation and allegation about members of a given social category that explicitly ridicules or insults them.

4.2 Absolutely no derogatory slurs.
A slur is an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo, usually with a shaming or degrading effect. The use of derogatory slurs, including but not limited to those related to race, gender, ethnicity, or any other form of identity, is strictly forbidden.

4.3 No hate speech or offensive language of any kind.
We consider hate speech to be any form of expression that either attacks other people or promotes hatred or violence against them based on their protected characteristics: age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; and weight and size.


5 - Respect the Boundaries of Others

5.1 Respect each other's pronouns and identities.
Always use the correct pronouns and respect the chosen identity of others. Be respectful to those of all genders equally, all age ranges, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, etc. Deliberate misgendering or invalidating someone's identity is not tolerated.
Wingbeats acknowledges and respects the diversity of our community members, including those who identify as plural systems. Plural systems may use unique terminology to describe their experiences. Be open to learning and using terms that individuals within plural systems prefer when referring to themselves or their system members.

5.2 Censor sensitive topics with spoilers.
You can censor topics by using a spoiler, like so:

Code: Select all

[spoiler="trigger warning"][/spoiler]

You might wonder, what exactly counts as a "sensitive" topic?
Sensitive topics are usually sensitive, challenging, or difficult for certain individuals for a variety of reasons. Regardless of a person's reason, it is usually the respectful and considerate thing to make sure that your posts are not harmful to other members. Although these types of subjects are irrelevant to Wingbeats, in the scenario that they may show up, make sure you are taking precautions and protecting your fellow members by censoring these topics: sexual behavior or practices; illegal activities or ethically questionable behaviors; racism, ageism, classism, discrimination, and sexism; grief and loss, trauma, or violence.
Politics and religion tend to be considered sensitive topics because people feel very strongly about their opinions and conversations can devolve quickly, so these should also be censored.

5.3 Use trigger warnings (TW) in titles and spoilers.
Putting a (TW) in a topic or spoiler title can help alert sensitive groups to potentially triggering content. In psychology, a “trigger” is a stimulus that causes a painful memory to resurface. Trigger warnings allow people to protect themselves from things that might cause them mental or emotional harm.

Code: Select all

[spoiler="trigger warning"][/spoiler]


TW: Talk of Abuse

This way, a person who may have had a personal experience with abuse can avoid reading content that may cause their painful memories to resurface, therefore avoiding emotional harm.

5.4 No unsolicited PMs or advice/critiques.
Refrain from sending unsolicited (unwanted) private messages to others without explicit consent. Respect personal boundaries and maintain communication within public areas unless otherwise agreed upon. The exception to this is messaging a member politely to discuss roleplay ideas. However, if you are asked to stop PMing, then stop.
Offering advice or criticism should be done with respect and only when asked for. Unsolicited advice, regardless of what it is about, is not permitted. If you have an idea about how someone could improve their writing, art, or something else, respectfully ask them if it's okay for you to share your opinion. If you are told no, then keep it to yourself.

5.5 Be Mindful of Tone
Pay attention to your tone and the impact of your words.
While they are not mandated, tone tags can be helpful to members who have issues interpreting the tones of messages. Tone tags/indicators are short text at the end of a message to let the reader know how the message is meant to be read, clear up any misunderstanding, or simply tell what the tone is. Tone tags are especially useful for neurodivergent folk, as they can have a harder time understanding and reading tone through text, as apposed to someone who is neurotypical and may have an easier time.
Consider the use of tone tags in out-of-character (OOC) interactions.


6 - Constructive VS Destructive Criticism

Wingbeats will always encourage a safe space of our community to openly discuss how you feel. You will always have a voice to express any concerns you may have about everything and everything, experiences you've had or hope to have, and be generally open on our platform. Constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged to help Wingbeats and its members grow. Please note, however: we do not tolerate destructive criticism.
We encourage feedback and to those to point out our flaws, mistakes, and potential areas for improvement so that we may grow. However, constructive criticism and destructive criticism are extremely polarizing and we want to stress the differences between them:

Constructive criticism is criticism provided with the intent to help - it is delivered with a compassionate and helpful attitude. It is uplifting, specific, detailed, actionable and it provides suggestions, solutions and tips to improve. It focuses on shortcomings of the work or strengths and weaknesses of the creator or teams.

Destructive criticism is derogatory, hurtful, bashing, and in most cases: mocks failures and undermines successes. It is criticism delivered with the intent to harm, embarrass or insult someone. It is typically vague and non-specific and hopes to induce a reaction. This is a personal attack and focuses on the creator of the work, as opposed to the creation - and provides no feedback for improvements to be made.

 ! Message from: Whispering Wing

Please note that Wingbeats has a zero tolerance policy towards criticism that is delivered disrespectfully in any shape or form. Any attempt to destroy someone or something's prestige, reputation or self-esteem will be met with consequences against your account.


7 - Posting Guidelines

7.1 Relevant and Meaningful Contributions

7.1.1 Stay On Topic:
Keep your responses focused on the thread's subject matter. Stray from off-topic discussions to maintain the coherence and relevance of the conversation.

7.1.2 Contribute Substance:
When posting, aim to provide substantive and meaningful content. Share insights, ask questions, or add value to the ongoing discussion to enhance the overall quality of the forum.

7.1.3 Avoid One-Word Responses:
Refrain from one-word or excessively short responses. Instead, provide context, explanations, or additional information that contributes meaningfully to the conversation.

7.1.4 Respect Differing Opinions:
Embrace diversity of thought and respectfully engage with differing opinions. Constructive dialogue enriches the forum and fosters a positive and intellectually stimulating community.

7.2 Quality over Quantity
In our pursuit of meaningful discussions on Wingbeats, we prioritize the principle of quality over quantity.
Prioritize thoughtful and well-considered responses over the sheer volume of posts. Engage in a way that adds substance and value to the conversation. While active participation is encouraged, be mindful of thread dynamics. Contribute when you have something meaningful to add rather than posting for the sake of posting.

7.3 Avoiding Spam and Off-Topic Posts

7.3.1 Do your best to post in the correct forums.
Read each forum's description and check any pinned posts or announcements in the forum before posting to make sure you are posting in the correct areas.

7.3.2 Avoid posting off-topic content in threads.
Don't just join a thread and start your own conversation or roleplay event, and don't share irrelevant images and gifs in the middle of threads, even if it is intended as a reply or an emote. Be respectful of the forum and its members and the threads that we work hard at maintaining. If you want to start a new topic or roleplay event, create your own thread.

7.3.3 Avoid excessive or repetitive characters in replies.
When posting a reply, avoid messages that have excessive repeating characters such as:

Hello everyone, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





...or anything else of the sort.
This is annoying. Don't do it.

7.3.4 Do not post multiple replies in a row.
Once you have posted a reply, you can go back and edit your reply if you wish to update or change something. Do not post another reply directly afterwards with your correction or update. There is an exception to this when bumping topics for activity reasons, outlined below.

7.4 Proper Thread Titles
Ensure that your thread title accurately reflects the content or topic of your post. Choose clear and concise wording that allows other members to understand the essence of the thread at a glance. Avoid using misleading or clickbait-style titles.

7.5 Bumping Topics
Bumping topics is allowed, but only within reason. "Bump" literally stands for “Bring Up My Post”. People typically bump their posts to get them back to the top of the board, where they are more easily or immediately seen by others. This could get more customers in your art market thread, for example. However...
∙ Avoid "bumping" in-character (IC) topics.
∙ Only bump out-of-character (OOC) topics if they get pushed back a page.
∙ If your topic is pushed back a page, only bump every 72 hours (3 days).
If you are found excessively bumping your topics, a Moderator will lock and/or archive the thread.

8 - Trolling & Raiding
Engaging is trolling, raiding, or conspiring to disrupt the forum or sever's normal functioning is strictly prohibited. Trolling includes posting inflammatory or off-topic content with the intent to provoke reactions. Raiding involves organized, disruptive actions by a group of individuals. Trolls and raiders will be immediately perma-banned without a warning.


9 - Privacy and Safety

9.1 Personal Information
In the interest of keeping Wingbeats safe for everyone, avoid sharing personal information about others. Refrain from any actions that compromise a member's confidentiality or well-being. Do not try to find the personal information of others. Violating privacy is strictly prohibited.
Do not share any information that could be used to identify you as an individual in real life. This includes full names, school names, street names, addresses, phone numbers, cities, emails, etc. This also includes any photos that may have any of this kind of information displayed, whether intentional or accidental. Anything that includes this information will be promptly removed.
Asking someone else for the abovementioned identifying personal information is also prohibited; if you are found requesting any of this information from others it will result in an immediate perma-ban.

9.2 Reporting Privacy Concerns
If someone privately messages you requesting this information, block them and report them immediately to a Mod or Admin, and they will be handled accordingly.

9.3 Cybersecurity Best Practices
At [Forum Name], we prioritize the security and privacy of our community members. By following these cybersecurity best practices, we collectively contribute to the safety and well-being of the Wingbeats community. It’s better safe than sorry!
Secure Passwords:
Use strong, unique passwords for your forum account. Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to create a robust password. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays or common words.
Password Management:
Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. This helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures a unique password for each online account.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
Enable two-factor authentication when available. This additional layer of security enhances the protection of your account by requiring a second form of verification.
Regular Password Updates:
Periodically update your passwords to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Aim to change your passwords at least every six months, or sooner if you suspect any security concerns.
Phishing Awareness:
Be cautious of phishing attempts. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing personal information in response to unsolicited messages. Verify the legitimacy of communication, especially if it requests sensitive details.
Secure Connection:
Access the forum using a secure connection. Ensure that the website address begins with "https://" and look for the padlock icon in the address bar to confirm the connection is encrypted.
Regular Software Updates:
Keep your device's operating system, antivirus software, and web browsers up-to-date. Regular updates often include security patches that protect against potential vulnerabilities.
Device Security:
Secure your devices with passwords, PINs, or biometric authentication. Install reputable security software to protect against malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.
Public Wi-Fi Caution:
Exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi networks. Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as your forum account, on unsecured networks. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.
Report Security Concerns:
If you suspect any security issues or have concerns about the forum's cybersecurity, report them to the moderators or administrators promptly. Your vigilance helps maintain a secure online space for all members.


10 - Content Policies

10.1 Copyright and Plagiarism
At Wingbeats, we prioritize ethical and respectful content sharing. To ensure intellectual property rights are upheld, members must only post original content they have created or have explicit permission to use. Proper citation and attribution are mandatory when referencing external sources, and plagiarism - presenting others' work as one's own - is strictly prohibited.
Adherence to copyright laws is essential, and any instances of infringement or plagiarism should be promptly reported to moderators for investigation and action. Any members found guilty of plagiarism will receive the proper disciplinary action, and all plagiarized content will be promptly removed.

10.2 Original Content Creation
Members are encouraged to share only content they've created or have explicit permission to use, avoiding plagiarism and respecting intellectual property rights.
Instances of non-compliance with these guidelines should be promptly reported to moderators for impartial investigation and necessary action, ensuring our community remains a space that values and protects the diverse creativity of all members.

10.3 External Content Sharing
At Wingbeats, we appreciate the value of external content to enhance discussions and experiences. When sharing external content, there are a few things to keep in mind. Share content from credible and reputable sources to maintain the integrity of information within the community. Provide clear and proper attribution to the original creators or sources when sharing external content. Respect intellectual property rights and give credit where it is due. Adhere to copyright laws and avoid sharing copyrighted material without proper permissions. Respect the terms of use and licensing agreements associated with external content.
Moderators may intervene if they determine that the sharing of external content violates community guidelines. Their discretion will ensure that the community remains a space that values meaningful and respectful content sharing.

10.4 Profile Content
Profile content should abide by all other rules.
Absolutely no NSFW profile content.
Keep signature content at an appropriate size (signature content should never be larger than a single post).
Profiles that contain abusive material will be edited and removed by a Moderator.


11 - NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Content

NSFW stands for "Not Safe For Work," indicating content that is unsuitable for public or professional spaces. This includes explicit sexual material, graphic violence, or anything that could be considered offensive.
Wingbeats is a 16+ environment in order to promote a mature and responsible environment for older teens and adults who can engage in more complex storytelling, handle potentially intense themes, and contribute to a respectful and enjoyable community experience. It is NOT designed to discuss or post anything sexually explicit in nature.

11.1 No discussing, linking to or uploading NSFW content.
Do not post or upload NSFW content, including but not limited to: websites, images, galleries, or videos.
If found, NSFW content will be promptly removed and the member in question will be dealt with accordingly.

11.2 Do not PM NSFW material to members of the forum or server.
Do not attempt to circumvent the NSFW rules by private messaging NSFW content to another member. These rules stand for the entirety of the forum and server. If found PMing NSFW, any member(s) in question will be dealt with accordingly.

11.3 No graphic mating scenes or references to mating.
No NSFW roleplaying under any circumstances.

11.4 Blood and gore should be politely spoilered with a trigger warning.
Due to the mature and semi-realistic nature of the roleplay, blood and gore is sometimes allowed. All we ask is that members censor this content with a spoiler and provide a trigger warning (TW) in the spoiler title.
Fetishizing of blood and gore content is strictly prohibited.

11.5 Zoophilic Content:
A zoophile is a person who is sexually attracted to animals. Zoophilia is a paraphilia in which a person experiences a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Under no circumstances should a character be portrayed in what may be perceived to be a sexual or seductive manner. Engaging in or promoting any form of zoophilia is strictly prohibited. This includes discussions, images or any context that advocates harm to animals or supports illegal activities. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate action, including a perma-ban.


12 - Use of AI on Wingbeats

12.1 Usage of Chat GPT for Posts
Wingbeats recognizes the potential of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, as valuable aids for enhancing creativity and describing scenes. We allow the use of ChatGPT-generated content within roleplaying posts under certain conditions.
ChatGPT should be employed as a tool to help generate ideas, describe scenes, or enhance storytelling. It should not replace the creative input of individual members, and the majority of the post's content should be original work.
Members may use ChatGPT to assist in crafting roleplaying posts, but all content generated by ChatGPT must be paraphrased and integrated into original, personalized content. Direct copying and pasting of ChatGPT responses are strictly prohibited. All content must be transformed and integrated in a way that aligns with the individual member's writing style.
If AI-generated content is used in a post, members are encouraged to disclose its use as a tool for creativity and scene description. This promotes transparency and allows for a better understanding of the collaborative writing process.
Moderators reserve the right to assess the appropriateness of AI-generated content usage on a case-by-case basis. Any instances of misuse or violation of these guidelines may result in the removal of content or other appropriate actions.

12.2 Usage of AI Images
Wingbeats values the creativity and originality of its members.
Members are strictly prohibited from uploading, sharing, or using any images or artwork generated by artificial intelligence (AI) tools or algorithms. This includes, but is not limited to, images, illustrations, and any visual content created through automated processes, including but not limited to avatars, signatures, and other visual elements,
Members found to be in violation of this rule may be subject to the removal of AI-generated artwork and, in the case of repeated offenses, may face further disciplinary actions, such as warnings or even a ban from the community.


13 - Advertising and Promotions

13.1 Advertising Guidelines
Avoid unsolicited self-promotional content outside the designated forum. Advertisements should be relevant and similar to Wingbeats; websites, forums and servers dedicated to roleplay and similar communities are allowed. If you are unsure, be sure to read the pinned Advertisements Rules in that forum.
Do not private message other members to advertise websites, services etc.

13.2 Affiliate Links and Partnerships
Wingbeats offers affiliate applications for communities that align with the theme of our forum. Forums about roleplay, especially Warriors related roleplay forums and Discord servers, are welcome to apply. Other roleplay forums and servers are also allowed.
Approved Affiliates will be given a special role that allows you to post in our Advertisements forum, but topics are limited to one per member. Affiliates are expected to manage and keep their topics up-to-date.
Approved Affiliates will also be given the option to share a small banner icon for display in the Affiliates section of our front page, which will be linked directly to your forum or server.
Applicants must have an account on our forum to be considered, and remain on our forum after approval. If an Affiliate deletes or deactivates their forum account, or deletes Wingbeats advertisements on their platform, the affiliation will be considered void, and the advertisement will be deleted.

13.3 No Financial Solicitation
Refrain from directly soliciting funds or financial contributions within the forum.
Members are discouraged from requesting handouts or engaging in panhandling within the community. If crowdfunding or financial support is needed, it must be communicated transparently with staff. If approved, provide external links to appropriate platforms only.
The only exception to this rule is when offering commissions for art and services, which should only be posted in the appropriate forums.


14 - Updates and Announcements

14.1 Communication from Admins
At Wingbeats, we value transparent communication between staff and members. Admins will be sure to share important announcements, updates, and community news. Members are encouraged to regularly check for official communications, via the Announcements forum, announcement headlines, and newsletters, ensuring everyone stays informed about important developments.

14.2 Member Feedback
We value the input of our community members. Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback regarding forum features, policies, or any aspect of the community. Constructive criticism helps us improve, and your feedback is instrumental in shaping the future of Wingbeats.

14.3 Changes to Rules and Guidelines
To maintain a dynamic and responsive community, rules and guidelines may undergo periodic updates. Admins will communicate any changes transparently, providing rationale when necessary. Members are encouraged to review and adapt to these updates as they come.

 ! Message from: Whispering Wing

These rules are subject to modification or updates at any time, with announcements made to inform the community. Members are expected to adhere to the latest version of the rules and are cautioned against attempting to circumvent them. Moderators retain the discretion to address situations falling outside these rules in the best interest of the community's well-being.