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The Ban Ladder

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:59 pm
by Whispering Wing

Wingbeat's Ban Ladder is a series of nine "rungs" that a user can be placed at depending on their infractions, incrementing with each consecutive, active offense.

The rung that the user will find themselves at (well, hopefully not!) will be dependent on the infraction itself. Some infractions are more severe than others, and as a result have harsher consequences. For example, sending pornographic content will likely have a harsher response than spamming the forum. An administrator breaking any rule is even worse - and will additionally have harsher outcomes!

The rungs of our ban ladder is at follows:
Reminder ► Warning ► Accountability Letter (AL) ► 6 Hour Ban ► 1 Day Ban ► Week Ban ► 2 Week Ban ► 1 Month Ban ► Permanent Ban

The refresh rate for the ban ladder is the point where a user's progress resets back to the beginning. Essentially, if a user continues to break rules before the refresh rate occurs, they will move up to a higher level of the ladder, facing more severe consequences. If they refrain from breaking rules until the refresh rate has passed, your position on the ladder resets to give you a clean slate and fresh start! Please note that if you are found to abuse refresh rates—by intentionally timing your actions to avoid consequences—you will face escalated penalties. Such behavior undermines the integrity of the system and will not be tolerated.

In summary, the refresh rate acts as a reset point, and breaking rules before this point escalates the severity of the penalties.

The refresh rates are as follows:

Reminders refresh in 2 weeks.
Warnings refresh in 3 weeks.
AL, 6 Hour Bans and 1 Day Bans refresh in 1 month.
1 Week Bans and 2 Week Bans refresh in 2 months.
1 Month Bans refresh in 3 months.
A Permanent ban, if they appeal successfully, has a 6 month refresh rate from the date of release.