Feedback Guidelines

A space for members to provide feedback, suggestions, and address concerns.

Moderators: Moderator, Director, Assistant, Administrator

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Whispering Wing
Site Guardian
Posts: 213
Registered for: 8 months

Feedback Guidelines

Post by Whispering Wing »

Feedback Guidelines

As our members, your input is a crucial part of our workflow and we view constructive criticism as essential for growth. Please note, however: we do not tolerate destructive criticism. Feedback is encouraged to point out flaws, mistakes, and potential areas for improvement for growth.

Constructive criticism is criticism provided with the intent to help and is conveyed with a compassionate and helpful demeanor, providing specific and actionable suggestions, solutions, or improvement tips. It is centered on weaknesses and strengths within our team or server.

Destructive criticism is hurtful and derogatory, aiming to bash failures, undermine successes, and evoke negative reactions. It lacks specificity and fails to offer constructive feedback or actionable suggestions. It resorts to personal attacks rather than addressing elements of the server.

Please note that Wingbeats has a zero tolerance policy towards criticism that is delivered disrespectfully in any shape or form. Any attempt to destroy someone or something's prestige, reputation or self-esteem will be met with consequences against your account. Please review our full policy on Constructive VS Destructive Criticism and Why It's Important.

Tips to avoid accidentally giving destructive criticism:

  • Criticism should address specific behaviors, actions, or aspects that need improvement.

  • It should be balanced and include both positive and negative feedback.

  • Avoid making personal attacks, insults, or judgments.

  • Use "I" statements to make it less confrontational.

  • Offer suggestions and alternatives.

Keep in mind:

  • You can ask for things, but they are not guaranteed.

  • Every idea will be taken into thoughtful consideration and discussed among staff.

  • Changes will be voted on.

