Character Sheet Template

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Character Sheet Template

Post by Whispering Wing »

Creating a new cat character to roleplay on Wingbeats is pretty simple - choose your clan, class, background and assign your stats and attributes. Provided below is a guide for new players to learn how to create their first cat, as well as learn and apply the unique Wingbeats systems while doing so.

Character Creation Index
[Character Sheet Template]
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:

Last edited by Whispering Wing on Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Whispering Wing
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Character Sheet Template (WIP)

Basic Information:
Gender: (tom or she-cat)
Age: (in moons)

[ ] Health Points(VIT)
[ ] Recovery (VIT)
[ ] Attack (STR)
[ ] Stamina (AGL)
[ ] Stealth (AGL)
[ ] Investigation (INT)
[ ] Medicine (INT)
[ ] Insight (WIS)
[ ] Perception (WIS)
[ ] Deception (CHA)
[ ] Intimidation (CHA)
[ ] Persuasion (CHA)



10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)



Bite (STR)


D8 - Piercing

Pounce (STR)


D6 - Bludgeoning

Swat (AGL)


2D4 - Bludgeoning

Wrestle (STR)


D6 - Bludgeoning

Belly Rake (STR)


D8 - Slashing

Saving Throws:
[ ] 00 Strength
[ ] 00 Vitality
[ ] 00 Agility
[ ] 00 Intelligence
[ ] 00 Wisdom
[ ] 00 Charisma

Eye Color:
Fur Length:
Sex-linked Red:
Tabby pattern:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

History and Origins:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Last edited by Whispering Wing on Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Whispering Wing
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Post by Whispering Wing »

Chapter One
Brainstorming & Visualization

The first step to creating your character is to brainstorm and visualize them in the world. What do you want out of your character? Is there a specific personality you want them to have, or path you intend for them to follow? We recommend keeping your characters' stories as simple and as blank-slate as possible when starting off, and leave their ultimate destinies up to in-character events and the flow of the roleplay. Many times a player has started a character with specific events and character progression planned out, but ended up being molded into something completely unexpected due to the events of the story - and that is okay. Authentic character growth is one of the most beautiful parts of literate play-by-post roleplays. It is so fun to start a character with few expectations and see where the story takes them. Will they become a hero or a villain, or play more of a background role in their clan? Every character's story is unique and different and the events that they participate in shape them into who they are and what tale they will have to tell when they finally retire to the elder's den, or where they will go when it is their time to depart.

When you are planning out a character, some important things to consider include what clan they will be in, their personality, strengths and weaknesses, their appearance and name. Of course, if your character is starting as a kit, they will have very little personality at first, because they are new to the world. Maybe their personality will write itself as you start writing their first topics. Whether you plan their personality traits or let them come to you, the character you create will end up playing an important part in the stories of those around you, the clan, and even the whole roleplay world. It is good to have a solid idea of the character you want to play, but be sure to be flexible!

There are some helpful online tools to help you with the brainstorming process. Try out some of the ones below, and consider how you can build your character with the results. Feel free to mix and match what you find!

Personality Traits, Strengths and Weaknesses:
Warrior Cats Personality Generator
FNG Character Traits Generator
Personality Trait Generator

Name Generators:
Fantasy Name Generators - Warrior Cat Names
Beechface Warrior Cat Name Generator
Rogue and Loner Name Dictionary by ThePaleCat

Last edited by Whispering Wing on Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Whispering Wing
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Chapter Two
Background & Clan

The next thing you will want to consider is your character's background and clan. Each of these components will affect your character's attributes and skills, so choose wisely. Do some research by reviewing each clan page and deciding which would best fit the character you have in mind.

Clanborn – Proficiency in Charisma checks relating to clan history, politics and organization.
Kittypet – Proficiency in Twoleg Lore.
Rogue – Choose proficiency in one of the following Deception, Perception, Stealth.

Last edited by Whispering Wing on Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Whispering Wing
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Post by Whispering Wing »

Chapter Three
Attributes and Skills

One of the most important parts of creating your character is allocating their attributes and skills! This can be a little bit more on the technical side and might be a bit more challenging for beginners, but we strive to simplify the process and make it a smooth learning experience. Those familiar with D&D 5e will be much more comfortable with this process, but be aware that we have made many modifications to the systems that you might be used to.

Be sure to read Character Attributes and Skills! For beginners, it is recommended to open that tab next to this one for easy reference back and forth while we walk through the process together. It helps define the terms that we will be using while filling out your character sheet.

Step One:
Understanding the Basics
Below is an example of a basic adult character sheet with no modifiers.


10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

But most likely, your character will be joining a clan, and most clans will have special skills and abilities due to the fact that they have acclimated to their environment. For this example, let's use the well-known RiverClan. Because RiverClan is sleek and good at swimming, they would likely have a higher Strength (STR) attribute, due to how strenuous it would be to swim in rushing waters. They might also have a higher Vitality (VIT) due to their rich diet of fish that keeps them healthy all year long. However, every clan needs a weakness, so maybe they suffer in the Intelligence department. So, the RiverClan base attributes would look more like this:


12 (+1)

12 (+1)

10 (+0)

8 (-1)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

Every 2 skill points adds a modifier to the attribute, as shown below:

0 = (-5)
2 = (-4)
4 = (-3)
6 = (-2)
8 = (-1)
10 = (+0)
12 = (+1)
14 = (+2)
16 = (+3)
18 = (+4)
20 = (+5)

The higher a single attribute is, the more likely a character is to succeed skill checks and saving throws relating to those skills. The modifier is added to the dice roll for those checks and saving throws. When and How to Use Skill Checks) You might imagine how helpful it could be to have higher modifiers for certain skills - characters with higher Strength (STR) modifiers are more likely to succeed any strength check, and so on. This could be life or death in some situations. But a character will only earn so many skill points in their lifetime, so it is important to choose carefully to build the character that you want.
Different clans on Wingbeats will have different base attributes like the above. Each of them starts a little different and unique according to the environment that the clan lives in. They may even also unlock special skills, moves, and abilities at certain levels according to their clans. More about them can be found on each clan's page.

Step Two:
Assigning Your First Skill Points
Now that we have decided we will be joining RiverClan (hypothetically, of course) and we have our base set of attributes, it's time to spend your starter skill points! This next point is where it gets really exciting, and you can begin to customize your character to your liking.

Most characters will begin with kits, who will have much lower stats. So for this example, we are going to pretend we are starting as a kit. Basically, kits will start with 2s instead of 10s across the board, but the clan bonuses will still apply. In this case, a RiverClan kit's starting attributes would look like this:

RiverClan Kit


4 (-3)

4 (-3)

2 (-4)

0 (-5)

2 (-4)

2 (-4)

Obviously, this kit is extremely weak - that's because kits are so young, and they don't know anything yet! Any dice rolling attempts would probably go horribly for them, but we can chuck that up to naivety and youth. Kits probably shouldn't be getting into very many situations where these will matter...

But you can still see where the RiverClan bonus gives a +1 to the Strength and Vitality skills, and that's what matters. Because after this character completes six topics to become promoted to an apprentice, they will start leveling up! Apprentice base attributes raise from a natural 2 to a natrual 5, as shown below:

RiverClan Apprentice


8 (-1)

8 (-1)

6 (-2)

4 (-3)

6 (-2)

6 (-2)

Looking better! But not quite there yet.
But that's why it's so important for apprentices to train with their mentors and complete their required topics to be promoted to warrior! Young cats are weaker and less experienced and therefore much more vulnerable in dangerous situations. Basic attacks, abilities and skills will need to be physically learned through participating in training sessions with their mentors. This encourages lore-accurate character and skills growth, and discourages reckless or unrealistic risk-taking.

Step Three:
Earning Skill Points Through Training
The whole point of becoming an apprentice is to learn to become a good warrior and serve your clan. The apprentice-mentor relationship tends to be an important one, and this is reflected in the skills learned and the skill points earned through training. Certain training topics will reward basic attack moves (and maybe even special ones, depending on the circumstances...) and skill points that a player can allocate to their character's profile to improve their attributes. This will become increasingly important once the character becomes a warrior, so pay close attention to what points you're putting into each attribute!

Our hypothetical RiverClan warrior has completed some training topics and has learned Wrestle, Swat and Bite, and has earned themself a skill point! What kind of character build should we go for? I'm thinking we focus on strength - this character wants to become a strong protector of their clan one day. So let's put the 1 skill point into Strength:

RiverClan Apprentice


9 (-1)

8 (-1)

6 (-2)

4 (-3)

6 (-2)

6 (-2)

The skill point rounded out our Strength score to a nice, solid 8, giving us only a (-1) instead of a (-2)! This might not seem like much, but once he becomes a warrior, he will be one step ahead of the other apprentices when it comes to his strength. Likewise, they might be one step ahead of him when it comes to social skills.

Step Four:
Becoming a Warrior

Congratulations!! Our little hard-working RiverClan character has completed all their training sessions and has been promoted to warrior! Their attributes will increase:

Lvl 1 RiverClan Warrior


13 (+1)

12 (+1)

10 (-0)

8 (-1)

10 (-0)

10 (-0)

Okay, this is starting to look much better. As you can see, most of our attributes have rounded out to 10, so there's significantly less penalty. Our weakness in Intelligence is still showing a (-1) penalty, but our Strength and Vitality are doing much better! However, most warriors won't receive more skill points until they reach level 4. Let's see what happens once we reach level 4 and earn 2 skill points.

Lvl 4 RiverClan Warrior


14 (+1)

13 (+1)

10 (-0)

8 (-1)

10 (-0)

10 (-0)

We are going to assign them to Strength and Vitality, so our Strength becomes a 14, giving us a (+2) right off the bat! What a great way to start our life as a warrior.

Now you know how to assign skill points and increase your attributes! Wasn't that easy? There may be more ways to earn skill points along the way, so now you will know what to do when you get them! Next, we're going to go over some tips regarding attributes and skill points.

Attributes and Personality

Character attributes can be almost directly linked to a character's personality, if you put enough thought into it.
For example, maybe you want a really strong brute character, so you dump your Intelligence and Wisdom attributes in order to have a higher starting Strength and Vitality. Your character would not be very smart, but they would be extremely tough, so maybe that could be reflected in their personality traits that you will choose.
Alternatively, maybe your character is not the fighting type - you dump Strength and Agility to spend more on Wisdom and Charisma. That character would be outgoing and good in social situations, but would probably be the last to be chosen for a patrol. Maybe they are lazy and slack off in their training, so they never gain the muscle and stamina that is expected of a warrior, or perhaps they are sick at birth and struggle with their standing in the clan as a result.
Or maybe you want your character to be much more versatile and balanced, with less weaknesses - a jack of all trades type.
It is up to you, the player, and the play style you wish to roleplay on Wingbeats. There are so many possibilities!

Point Trading
Character Creation | Lvl 12 Warrior | Lvl 20 Warrior

Point Trading is a way to take a point out of an attribute and assign it to another one. On one paw, you're weakening one attribute in favor of another one. Mentioned in the above example, you could take a point from Intelligence and assign it instead to Strength, making your character slightly stronger but also slightly less smart. However, there are only special opportunities to perform Point Trading (at character creation, level 12 and level 20), so if you're going to do this, you must plan it well!
Alternatively, you can buy a Point Trade via Freshkill in the Shop.

Last edited by Whispering Wing on Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:27 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Chapter Four

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Chapter Five

Last edited by Whispering Wing on Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter Six

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