Character Rules & Guidelines

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Whispering Wing
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Character Rules & Guidelines

Post by Whispering Wing »

Wingbeats - Character Creation Rules & Guidelines

Welcome to Wingbeats, a unique alternative universe based around the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter, home to a vibrant and collaborative community for creative storytelling and roleplaying! To begin, please ensure that you have first familiarized yourself with the Rules and Etiquette and Roleplaying Rules and Guidelines.

Rules QuickNav

1 - Building Your Character

1.1 Basic Information
Basic information covers identifying information about a cat, such as its name, gender, background and group affiliation.
Consider reading through our guides, such as: Brainstorming and Visualization, Choosing a Background and Clan,

Name: Choose a unique name that fits within the Wingbeats universe. For tribe or clan cats, this typically includes a prefix and a suffix (e.g., Fluttering Bird, Jagged Peak, Firepaw, Sandstorm). Kittypets, rogues, and loners may have more unconventional names.

Gender: Identify the gender of your cat, whether they are a male or female. On extremely rare occasions due to genetic anomolies, hermaphroditic cats may be considered, but this is up to staff discretion. For more information on genetics, see Cat Genetics for Dummies and Appearance and Genetics below.

1.2 Appearance and Genetics
Character sheets will require a brief written description of your cat for the Allegiances and genetics, as well as a more in-depth written description for your character sheet and the option to add a faceclaim or reference sheet. A faceclaim is an image of a cat online that you may borrow to use as a visual representation of what you want your cat to look like, while a reference sheet is an artistic illustration of your character's physical design.

Brief Description: A short summary of your cat's appearance that will determine their genetics and be included on the allegiances, including their fur color, eye color, and any distinctive markings.

Detailed Description: A more comprehensive description, including physical build, scars, and other notable features.

Faceclaim (optional but recommended): An image of a cat found online that represents your cat's appearance.

Reference Sheet (optional): An artistic illustration of your character's design, if available.

1.3 Attributes and Skill Points
Please be sure to read the Character Attributes and Skills post!
Each new character that is created starts with a set of basic attributes that may vary slightly depending on what clan is chosen for them. Each clan will naturally have different skill sets due to their acclimation to the environment they live in. For example, a clan that lives in caves would have higher perception in the dark, while one that lives by the water would have a bonus to their agility while in water. So, choose your clan carefully! But first, familiarize yourself with the basic attributes at each character age below:

Kit (0-6 moons)


2 (+0)

2 (+0)

2 (+0)

2 (+0)

2 (+0)

2 (+0)

Apprentice (6-12 moons)


5 (+0)

5 (+0)

5 (+0)

5 (+0)

5 (+0)

5 (+0)

Warrior (12+ moons)


10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

10 (+0)

1.4 Background and Clan
Now that you are familiar with the basic set of attributes for each age range, you will need to choose your background, listed below. Clanborn cats all receive the same proficiency bonus, while each individual clan will have their own proficiencies and skills which are summarized here but explained much more in-depth on their linked clan pages.

Clanborn – Proficiency in Charisma checks relating to clan history, politics and organization.
Tribe of Roaring Tides - Proficiency in swimming and fishing dice rolls.
Tribe of ( beep boop ) - Proficiency in

Kittypet – Proficiency in Twoleg Lore.
Rogue – Choose proficiency in one of the following Deception, Perception, Stealth.

2 - Character Limitations

2.1 Aging and Ranking

2.2 Powers and Abilities

0.0 Rule

3 - Character Development

3.1 Roleplay
Character development occurs through roleplay. Engage with other players and the environment to grow your character.

3.2 Training
Apprentices gain experience and skills through training sessions with their mentors. Warriors can improve skills through practice and experience.

3.3 Events
Participate in site-wide events to gain unique opportunities for character development.

4 - Character Slots

4.1 Beginner Slots

  • Two beginner character slots

4.2 Permanent Slots

  • Unlockable through Wingbeats progression
  • Purchasable with Freshkill via the shop

4.3 Temporary Slots

  • Purchasable with Freshkill via the shop
  • Rewarded for participating in or winning events

4.4 Hidden Slots

  • Some permanent or temporary character slots can be unlocked through Wingbeats progression, hidden secrets and achieving large goals

5 - Character Progression

5.1 Leveling Requirements
Character aging and skill progression is achieved via leveling up. In order to reach the next level, there is a set of requirements that must be completed. Each character will need to complete certain topics based on prompts that can be found in the Character Leveling Requirements guide, as well as complete a certain number of quests per rank.

5.2 Character Aging
Character age is determined by their level, shown here. Tracking more precise character age is up to the player's discretion. A character's max age is 216 moons, which is equal to 18 years and would be extremely rare and unlikely in the wild, but not impossible. Early retirement to the elder's den is possible, and leaders may survive well into elderhood without retiring. A warrior must retire to the elder's den by 180 moons, or die.

Kit (0 - 6 moons)
Apprentice (6 - 12 moons)
Young Warrior (12 - 36 moons)
Experienced Warrior (36 - 72 moons)
Skilled Warrior (72 - 108 moons)
Senior Warrior (108 - 144+ moons)
Elder (144 ~ 216 moons)

5.3 Elder Retirement and Death
A warrior is considered an elder once they reach the age of 144 moons (equivalent to 12 years), but are not mandated to retire until they reach 180 moons (15 years). Some characters may become eligible for early elder retirement at as young as level 16, but must be approved by a moderator. Any character may become eligible for early elder retirement if they acquire some kind of disability that prevents them from performing their duties as a warrior, such as blindness, paralysis, losing a limb, etc. Elders will receive their own batch of quests and prompts to assist them in having a fulfilling life for the remainder of their time with their clan.

Elders who are 144 moons or older receive the Counsel of Elders buff, which provides a bonus to their existing Intelligence and Wisdom attributes, to a maximum of 20. Elders provide an important role to the clan by providing valuable insights and advice to the clan's leadership, and have a special connection to the kits of the clan.
Counsel of Elders
INT (+1) WIS (+1)

6 - Character Maintenance

6.1 Update your Character Tracker
It is a player's responsibility to regularly update your character sheets to reflect changes and progress! This includes things like current HP and SP levels, status effects or ailments, level, age, rank, abilities/attacks/special moves, etc. and keep track of your topics in chronological order! Character maintenance is a huge part of Wingbeats due to the systems we use in roleplay, so keeping an accurate account of everything is extremely important. Take your time and put care into your trackers!

6.2 Health and Status Effects
Keep track of your character’s health status, injuries, and recovery. This is necessary to ensure fairness in the roleplay. For example, if your character has a Bleeding status ailment, then your character must see a healer to close the wounds - your Recovery skill can only help you so much. You must keep track of your HP, SP, and status effects to ensure that you are abiding by the in-character consequences rules and staying in the spirit of the roleplay. If someone were to forget to add the Bleeding ailment to their character sheet, they could potentially get away from a nasty fight without real consequences - and that isn't right. Things aren't always sunshine and rainbows in your character's Wingbeats story - there's real danger and the looming threat of death at all times. Make sure you are abiding by our rules!

0.0 Rule

7 - Adherence to Lore

7.1 Canon Compliance
Characters must adhere to the established lore of the Warriors universe.

7.2 Consistency
Maintain consistency in character actions and development within the context of the roleplay.

7.3 Plot Integration
Ensure your character’s story integrates smoothly with the overarching plot and other characters’ stories.

0 - Intercharacter Relationships

8.1 Interaction
Encourage interaction between characters to foster relationships and alliances.

8.2 Conflict
Handle conflicts between characters maturely and within the rules of roleplay.

8.3 Romance
Romantic relationships are allowed but must be developed gradually and respectfully.

Apprentice x Warrior Romances
It is acceptable for Apprentice / Young Warrior relationships if the pair were romantic as apprentices prior to one being promoted, but shouldn't have an age gap larger than 2-3 moons. Apprentices can have crushes on older warriors, such as admiration crushes, but these warriors should never encourage these relationships and should nip them in the bud. Finally, warriors should not be the ones starting a relationship with an apprentice.

Forbidden Romances
Forbidden romances, or FRs, are extremely fun to play out. Generally, medicine cats are not allowed to take a mate or have kits, and clan members are forbidden from having relationships with cats from other clans. These are the two main forbidden romances.

9 - Character Moderation

9.1 Approval
Each new character must be approved by a moderator before joining the roleplay, and any significant plots that will involve code breaking, forbidden romances, and similar large plots will need to be reviewed and approved by mods. All plots like these should be posted in The Official Plotting Pages, using the form pinned there. Please give mods ample time to review and discuss these plots before bumping topics or nudging a moderator about them. We need to ensure that any current or planned clanwide or sitewide plots will mesh well, and neither will interfere with each other.

9.2 Monitoring
Moderators will monitor character actions and development to ensure compliance with rules and lore.

9.3 Disputes
Moderators will resolve any disputes regarding character interactions and rule violations.

10 - Character Restrictions and Bans

10.1 Copying Characters from the Books
Do not attempt to copy characters from the Warriors book series intentionally, including names, appearance and plots. For example, you cannot play as Bluestar, Firepaw or Crookedjaw on Wingbeats, but if you were to happen to have a completely unrelated character with those names, that is okay. These characters are the intellectual property of the Erins and the publishing company, and any attempts to copy them would be considered copyright infringement and is a very serious offense.

10.1 Copying / Stealing Other Players' Characters
Refrain from attempting to copy other players' characters, whether the player has left the site or not. Their character still exists in Wingbeats lore and should be respected. If your character happens to take on the name of a past character, it is okay so long as you do not attempt to also copy that character's appearance and/or plot. Characters are the property of the players who created them, and attempts to copy them would be considered theft and is a very serious offense.

11 - Death and Departure

11.1 Death
The looming threat of death overshadows Wingbeats RP at all times. Taking risks can result in extreme consequences. Characters can and will die as a result of battles, events, or significant plot points. Character deaths are inevitable, and may come unexpectedly. It is important to keep this in mind during your time on Wingbeats.

Once a character is reduced to 0 HP, they are knocked unconscious (KO'd) and must begin performing Death Saving Throws, or "Death Saves" which are outlined in the Roleplaying Rules and Guidelines but will re-iterate here for you:

Death Saves are a mechanic that determines whether a character lives or dies during critical moments when a their life hangs in the balance due to severe injury, lethal conditions, or other life-threatening circumstances that may result in their immediate doom.

How to Roll a Death Saving Throw:

Code: Select all


∙ Success: 10 or above
Accumulating three successes results in stabilization, with the character regaining 1 HP but remaining in a critical state. They no longer have to perform Death Saves, but will still require further attention through their natural Recovery skill or being healed by a med cat. Depending on the severity of their injuries or conditions, characters may experience lingering effects or require extended recovery periods before fully returning to their daily lives.
∙ Failure: 9 or below
Accumulating three failures results in death, signifying the character's inability to cling to life despite their efforts. Characters who fail their Death Saves are permanently dead, and cannot be brought back to life.

Death Saving Throws offer compelling roleplay opportunities for characters and their companions, allowing for dramatic moments of tension, sacrifice, and heroism in the face of mortality. Characters' reactions to their own mortality, as well as their interactions with allies and adversaries during these dire situations, can deepen their personalities and relationships within the roleplay world. All deaths should be handled respectfully.

11.2 Departure
Characters may leave the roleplay or retire due to age or personal reasons. There are several ways to retire your characters without killing them, including retiring to the elder's den or putting them up for adoption. Players may also choose to remove their characters from the roleplay or the site as a whole, at their discretion. The character's history will remain on the forum. Inform moderators of any departures.
Note: Players who choose to donate the rights of their character to be used for Wingbeats artwork may not revoke any of their artwork from the site after doing so.

11.3 Reincarnation
As of right now, Wingbeats does not typically allow the reincarnation of deceased characters.

0 - Updates and Revisions

12.1 Rule Updates
Rules may be updated periodically. Players will be notified of any changes.

12.2 Revisions
Players may suggest revisions or new rules. Suggestions will be reviewed by moderators.

Sources: DnD Warrior Cats


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